How about a little consistency, huh?


Well, I am obviously no good at being consistent. But, here it is anyway — I will try to be better, I mean it HAS only been five months instead of the average twelve to sixteen month span…JK.

Anyway as you either know or not, I am getting married August 3rd and above are the awesome bridal shower flowers (love)! I will share the bridal shower pics sometime this weekend? There is a lot more to catch up on as you will be able to see below…


Jake got glasses – now we are twinsies! He looks so cute in glasses too!


Jake also now goes to see an acupuncturist for his allergies, which by the way is amazing and totally works!


We got reunited with some amazing friends for their sons graduation from HS – Can you believe how fast time flies!?


Hung out with the fam in Santa Cruz – Maybe should have worn shorts babe!


My oldest little boy graduated from Jr. High! High school next year! Oh boy!


Jake had a birthday and is an official tween!


We got a visit from Kaylee B and Darrian. Love those little babes!

I will post Ryan’s Tuff Mudder adventure in Tahoe tomorrow :0)

Happy Adventures…Here is to being more consistent…